There is no right or wrong way to parent your children. You are the perfect parent for your child and your parents were the same to you.
If you don’t like something you’ve done or didn’t do to your children it’s probably because you have a memory of your parents having done or not done it to you and you still haven’t understood how what they did/didn’t do served you.
My suggestion is to go and see how what your parents did/didn’t do to you was of equal benefit as it was setback. Once you’ve done that then go and see how what you did/didn’t do to your kids has served them and you.
Even all the smacks and swear words had the equal amount of positives as it had negatives. If you weigh them up and they will ALWAYS equal ZERO.
Zero is where LOVE is at.
More positive than negative equals A FANTASY (that many people are chasing).
You are always LOVING your children even when you’re angry and impatient.