Did you achieve your 2015 goals?
If not then… Ask yourself how did it serve me or how did I gain from NOT reaching my target. Keeping answering that question until you are completely grateful for what has eventuated.
Ask yourself this: If I DON’T reach my 2016 ‘resolution’, how will I benefit or gain from that outcome? What will be the DRAWBACKS or NEGATIVES should the goals be reached.
Make a list and keep writing until you uncover any potential hurdles that could be the blocks to get you there. The more you write the more you will reveal to yourself what is hidden deep in the unconscious.
Common Example: Reaching my ideal body weight will make me more confident, more sexy and I will want to socialise more. The downside to that is I that will increase my chances of cheating on my wife, I will drink more alcohol, I will spend more money Etc etc…
Play around with this exercise by yourself or you might even want to make it a New Years Eve dinner conversation (Just don’t mention the “cheating” part if you’re wife is sitting at the same table as you).
Enjoy the festivities and may your 2016 be all that you want.